Hagranop B.V. is QS certified as an agency. The QS certification mark stands for certified quality assurance of fresh food – from farm to shop! Whether it is meat, meat products, fruit, vegetables or potatoes – food with the QS certification mark has an accurately documented and monitored lifecycle. Therefore, the way of a piece of meat from animal owner via abattoir and butcher, and for fruit and vegetables from producer via wholesaler, to the shop is clearly traceable.

QS. Quality scheme for food covers all stages of the food chain. Strict rules apply to all participating companies in Germany and abroad, for example regarding traceability and hygiene. Auditors and independent certification bodies check regularly whether all requirements are met.

 Please click here for Hagranop B.V.'s QS certificate.


Westermeerweg 17  8309 PZ Tollebeek  the Netherlands

Tel.: +31 (0) 527 - 276161  Fax: +31 (0) 527 - 276179  info@hagranop.com

IBAN NL54RABO0159639646  K.v.K. Lelystad 39049268  BTW/VAT no. 0087.95.939.B.01