Corporate social responsibility focusing on People, Planet and Profit also has high priority at Hagranop B.V..
Hagranop B.V. is keen to offer its employees a safe working environment, allowing them to work with the latest technology. This not only includes providing employees who work in cold store facilities with oxygen meters, but also using modern weeding beds that are powered by solar energy. In addition, the company supports initiatives of Doctors Without Borders and the Stichting Kansarmen Sri Lanka.
Hagranop B.V. was the first party to enter the market with organic carrots and continues to play a leading role. The crop farm from which Hagranop B.V. emerged around 30 years ago has been operating organically for many years. The cold store facilities are already partly solar powered and the latest, most environmentally friendly cooling techniques have been implemented in the cold store facility most recently built in Germany.
A healthy profitability is required so the company can continue to develop and innovate, making it possible to improve the quality and reduce environmental impact. Investments in the HG Frischgemüse GmbH cold store facility are already reducing CO2 emissions due to the shorter transport distances to customers.